The Influence of Polystyrene Modifier and Plasticizer Nature on the Properties of Poly(vinyl chloride)


Volodymyr Levytskyj, Yuriy Laruk, Taras Humenetsky and Janusz Sikora

Volodymyr Levytskyj-1, Yuriy Laruk-1, Taras Humenetsky-1 and Janusz Sikora-2

  1. Lviv Polytechnic National University, 12, St. Bandery str., 79013 Lviv, Ukraine;
  2. Lublin University of Technology, 36, Nadbystrzycka str., Lublin, Poland;

Poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC) has been modified by dissolution of polystyrene modifier in diesterphthalate plasticizer, followed by dispersive mixing with PVC. The effects of the kind of modifier and plasticizer used on the wetting of PVC by the plasticizer have been evaluated. The degree of plasticizer migration out of the material and the effects of the migration on mechanical and thermophysical properties of modified materials have been determined.

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