
Production and quality of blast furnace coke in Ukraine

This research displays the state of metallurgical coke production in Ukrainew with special attention to the raw material base for production of coke and its quality. Besides the following essay deals with the detailed analysis of preparation methods of coal charge for coking, including thermal treatment and stamp charging and formulates the main ways of upgrading coke quality considering the rational technology of coking.

Effect of Total Ash Content and Coals Ash Composition on Coke Reactivity

The article deals with the hypothesis of the influence of coals mineral components on coke reactivity. It has been shown that the reaction between carbon and carbon dioxide proceeds in kinetic area and its rate depends upon total ash content of coked coal. The data showing catalyst effect of coal mineral components upon their organic mass pyrolysis and consequently upon coke reactivity have been presented.

Desulphurization and Usage of Medium-Metamorphized Black Coal. 1. Determination of the Optimal Conditions for Oxidative Desulphurization

The conditions providing proceeding of the reactions between pyrite sulphur of medium-metamorphized coal and air-steam mixture in the kinetic area have been found. Experimental-statistical mathematical model has been designed. The optimal factors of medium-coalificated coal oxidative desulphurization have been determined on its basis. Under optimal conditions two samples of coking coal have been desulphurized. These samples will be used as components of the coal charge in the production of special types of coke.

Technogenic Nanoparticles from Coal Carbonization Products

Experiments on the extraction of technogenic nanoparticles from coal carbonization products, namely, coke, pitch coke, coal tar, coke dust and carbon deposits from coke and coke-pitch chambers were carried out. With the help of transmission electron microscopy method extracted carbon nanoparticles were investigated. The rationale of the derived nanoparticles technologic origin is given in this paper. The obtained micro-diffraction patterns indicate that the extracted nanoparticles are crystalline solids.

Influence of Coke Quenching Method on its Reactivity

The results of investigation for the influence of the coke quenching method on the coke reactivity were shown. Using thermogravimetry and scanning electron microscopy significant differences of the porous structure and peculiarities of the structure of coke carbon, which forms the pores walls in both wet and dry quenching coke, were discovered. It was established that higher reactivity of wet quenching coke is due to its higher porosity (60 % higher than that of dry quenching coke).

Desulphurization and Usage of Medium-Metamorphized Black Coal. 2. Desulphurized Coal Used as an Additive for the Production of Special Types of Coke

Plastometric investigations of the coking basic charge and charge with desulphurized coal of various quality and quantity have been carried out. Non-volatile residues have been investigated using technical analysis and derivatographic investigations. Their mechanical strength, abrasive strength and reactivity have been examined. In spite of some worsening of medium-metamorphized coal capability to turn into plastic state and cake it may be used as a coking raw material additive (5 mas % relative to the finished mixture) during production of special types of coke.