
PbO2 Based Composite Materials Deposited from Suspension Electrolytes : Electrosynthesis, Physico-Chemical and Electrochemical Properties

Composite materials based on PbO2 containing TiO2 or ZrO2 were prepared from electrolytes containing a suspension of TiO2 or ZrO2. The contents of foreign oxides in the composite depend on the electrolyte composition and conditions of deposition. When a dispersed phase is incorporated into the composite coating, the dimensions of lead dioxide crystals decrease to submicro- and nano-size. Physico-chemical properties and electrocatalytic activity of composite materials are mainly determined by their chemical composition.

Rheological Behavior of Montmorillonite Water Suspensions in the Presence of Surfactants

In this thesis the features of rheological behavior of ultrasonic-activated water dispersions of montmorillonite in the presence of surfactants of anionic and non-ionic type are considered. It was determined that the strength of coagulation structure changes depending on the type of surfactant.