локальні аномалії

Map-schemes transformations of geothermal field in the NW Carpathian Foreland

On the base of drilling geothermal data map-schemes of temperatures for minus 1,000 m deep in the NW Carpathian Foreland were designed. Polynomial approximations and calculations of local anomalies and temperature gradients map-schemes were done. Was fulfilled their interpretations for oil-and-gas structures availability.

Practice of magnetic surveys over hydrocarbon fields in Carpathian foredeep, Ukraine

The results of magnetic studies over hydrocarbons fields in the Outer zone of Carpathian Foredeep were studied. It was stated that upon oil and gas deposits are observed static and dynamic local anomalies connected with supervising tectonic displacements. The conclusion about genetic correlation between local anomalies and oil-and-gas content in the investigated deposits was done.

Mapping of Berezivska ring structure in the gravity and magnetic fields (southwest of Kolomyya paleovalley)

Purpose. The purpose of research is to identify the geological and tectonic nature complex morphology intensive gravimagnetic anomaly in the southwest Kolomiyskogo paleovalleys, which is located within the Precarpathians trough Ukrainian Carpathians. Methodology.

Anisotropic transformation of the potential fields

Purpose.  The purpose of research is to study the effectiveness of anisotropic geological transformations Andreev-Klushina and confirm the relevance of the use of their improved versions to assist the qualitative interpretation of the anomalous potential fields. Methodology. Methods the study includes an analysis of algorithms and computer implementation of anisotropic transformations.