Anisotropic transformation of the potential fields

: pp. 75 - 77
Received: August 01, 2013
Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas, Carpathian Branch of Subbotin Institute of Geophysics of NAS of Ukraine

Purpose.  The purpose of research is to study the effectiveness of anisotropic geological transformations Andreev-Klushina and confirm the relevance of the use of their improved versions to assist the qualitative interpretation of the anomalous potential fields. Methodology. Methods the study includes an analysis of algorithms and computer implementation of anisotropic transformations. The studies provided a test sampling and application of anisotropic transformation of the gravity field, as well as studying the possibility of solving actual problems that are associated with the identification of linear dislocations as an example faulting Ukrainian Carpathians. Results. The algorithms of Andreev-Klushin’s anisotropic transformations two types and set a new transformation of anisotropic averaging and transformation of anisotropic difference averaging. It also includes the study of geological information content of anisotropic transformation of potential fields in the test cases and the results of transformation of the gravity field of the Ukrainian Carpathians. It is shown that anisotropic transformation allows to allocate lingering local anomalies, which are caused by fault tectonics, in particular the deep longitudinal and transverse faults and linear dislocations in the sedimentary cover. Thus, according to the map of anomalies of the difference averaging anisotropic and Andreev-Klushin’s difference anisotropic T-transformation can be traced to the morphology of the Transcarpathian fracture, deep faults folded Carpathians and Carpathian Kalush and faults that are complicated by transverse faults. As a result of the difference of the Andreev-Klushin’s anisotropic A-transformation increasingly traced anticlinal structure of the north-western and north-eastern strike, which developed in the sedimentary cover of the Transcarpathian bending, folding, and the slope of the Carpathians East European platform. Originality. An improved Andreev-Klushin’s anisotropic transformation and proved their efficiency in geological studies faulting morphology anomalies of potential fields. Practical significance. Application of anisotropic transformation of potential fields increases the accuracy and detail of tracking regional faults and basement blocks, which are linked to long-term deposits of oil and gas structures in under the thrust and sedimentary cover.

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