
Magneto-mineralogical grounds of the Earth’s upper mantle magnetization. Overview

The purpose of the study. It needs to substantiate that sources of magnetic anomalies with wavelengths of the first thousand kilometers detected at the present time might have a magneto-mineralogical origin due to the existence of magnetic minerals at the mantle depths, in particular magnetite, hematite, native iron, as well as iron alloys. It should be also shown that present temporal changes of long-wave magnetic anomalies should be induced by changes of the magnetic properties of these minerals due to thermodynamic and fluid modes.

The wave thermoconvections process into Earth’s litosphere

The very important to develop geodynamical models of the Earth’s structure defining corresponding state equations and flow equations for the fragments of mantle with big vis-cosity and inhomogeneous density distribution and nonlinear interaction with other frag-ments of the mantle and the crust. It is substantiated the importance and advisability of transition to generalized models of medium and processes which define the dependence of geophysical and geodynamical processes from thermodynamical parameters of Earth’s crust.

Global tectonic cycle: a conceptual step from plate kinematics towards their dynamics

Global Tectonic cycle (GTC). Description. The GTC model is based on the following assumptions: 1) at some moment of time Tx the lithosphere (as the assemblage of plates) is in the state of dynamic equilibrium; i.e. no relative motions of plates as to one another and/or to the mantle. It means that die lithosphere is in the state of corotation with the mantle; 2) the mantle at some moment Tx is a homogenous non-stratificated layer. If at some moments Ts the density differentiation of the mantle for light (astenosphere) and heavy phases begins the succession of events will be as next.

The methodology and results of the seismic processing of MCWE data in the Onega ore district (Baltic Shield)

Purpose. The aim of the study is to find the communication features of the deep structure in particular srednemashtabnyh heterogeneities of the crust and the transition zone crust-mantle localization fields and rudoproyaleny surface to build geodynamic model Onega ore area. Methodology. An original method of statistical data processing converted waves of earthquakes using not only the kinematics but also dynamic parameters. Results. In this paper we set out the methodology and the results of statistical data processing converted waves of earthquakes in the Onega ore area.

Features of the deep structure of Kirovograd ore district according to the seismic data

seismogeological model of the Kirovograd ore district, it reflects its modern deep structure. The new interpretation of the seismic data has identified a correlation surface structures in the region with a relief Moho and local inhomogeneities of the crust. As a result, the connection established areas with a high concentration of ore with deep sublatitudinal deflection in the relief of the Moho. Originality For the first time MCWE seismic data processed using statistical analysis, maps of Moho, K2 and seismogeological 3D model of the Kirovograd ore district. The practical significance.