середні квадратичні помилки

On the accuracy of directional angle in the middle of linear-angular series consisting of geodesic squares measured between initial points geodetic squares laid between the sides with the initial directional angles

Determining of permissible values of area land plots mean square errors outside settlements

Was made an analysis of standard acts that are regulating the realization of geodetic measurements for national landscape cadastre purposes. The research have touched upon the influence of quadratic mean mistakes of boundary-marks coordinates determination on quadratic mean mistake of determination of land parcels areas outside the boundaries of settlements.

Study and approximation of the function for determination of allowable RMS errors of land parcels area

Were researched dependences of standard mean square errors of land parcel area determination as a function of area and elongation coefficients. Using investigated values was made an approximation of quadratic polynomial function for standard mean square errors of land parcel area in intervals 0,1-1 ha, 1-10 ha, 10-100 ha with evaluation of accuracy of approximated functions.