
Conceptualisation of notions “model” and “modelling” in scientific studies

Some particular aspects of modeling method in scientific research have been outlined in the article. Philosophic maxims on which the model concept is based were suggested. The generalized model definition, its characteristics and typology were represented in the article

Possibility of mobile geophysical technologies during oil and gas prospecting and exploration

The mobile geophysical technology include a special method of the remote sensing data processing and interpreting, aerial mapping method of the forming short-pulsed electromagnetic field (FSPEF), method of vertical electric-resonance sounding (VERS). Inclusion of such technologies in traditional complex of exploration geological-geophysical methods will promote both minimization of the financial expenses on the oil-and-gas exploration problems solving, and essential reduction of time for their practical realization.

Technology of optimal site selection for solar photovoltaic power plants using GIS and remote sensing techniques

Purpose. The use of ground-mounted solar photovoltaic (PV) power plants to generate electricity has increased substantially worldwide over the past decade. This growth has been driven by policy incentives such as feed-in tariff, as well as low cost and high performance of solar panels. As the use of solar PV farms grows, the need to find the best locations for them will also increase. Optimally siting PV farms is important for maximizing beneficial characteristics of projects while minimizing negative ones.

Теоретичний аналіз та практичні можливості використання органічних відходів агропромислового комплексу як один з шляхів до економії енергоресурсів в Україні

The main suppliers of minerals to crops today are chemical fertilizers. A good example of the implementation of efficient and environmentally friendly agro-industrial production are farms with closed loop motion biomass and energy – the so-called bioconversion complex. Their main components – crops, livestock and energy are closely interrelated and can be balanced. Today, great importance is also the production and use of microbial preparations for agriculture. The basis of their nitrogen-fixing is, phosphorus and methane bacteria.

Обумовини розвитку науки і техніки на порозі ХХІ століття

In this paper the possible directions of further development of science and technology are presented. The choice of these areas is subjective, and the demographics are taken into account, because people are simultaneously creators and consumers. Displaying advances in technology supported by science, without which these achievements would not have been. Attention is paid to the development of the economy, which in a general sense is identified with increasing prosperity.

From cold logistics to cold supply chains

A number of questions concerning the development of cold logistics and the specificity of cold chain supply have been outlined. The topicality of implementation of advanced technologies and consolidation of all the members of cold chain supply which will allow to provide quality performance of logistical operations in cold chain supply has been defined. For investigation results it has been defined that the main problem of cold chain supply is the preservation of temperature condition.

Моделювання Web-орієнтованих систем та напрямки розвитку Web-ресурсів

In this article is a typical example of coordination web-systems. The main problems that arise when building an effective web-sites and approaches to solving these problems. In particular, studies key performance indicators defined sites and methods for improvement. Analyzes the trends of development of information systems that are based on web-technology. Formulated main approaches to implementation of web-technologies. The structural-functional model of software system for designing web-oriented systems and by a description of structural modules that are part of it.

Conception of quality management of city environment of city

The basic concepts of quality of city environment are considered, going near the management of quality of city environment, state of city environment for today, lacks of management,  raising of task of quality management of city environment. The system of aims  of quality management of city environment, choice of indexes of quality on the basis of this system and conceptual model of quality management, is offered.

On detection of gas accumulations in dense sandstones with mobile geophysical methods

Purpose. The results of the application of frequency-resonance technology of remote sensing (RS) data processing and interpretation and geoelectric methods of forming short-pulsed electromagnetic field (FSPEF) and vertical electric-resonance sounding (VERS) for gas accumulations searching in tight sandstones of Dnieper-Donetsk basin (DDB) are analyzed. Design/methodology/approach.

Estimation of hydrocarbon potential of the perspective structures in Barents sea

Purpose. The results of the hydrocarbon (HC) potential assessment of some structures and fields in Barents Sea by the frequency resonance method of the remote sensing (RS) data processing and interpretation are discussed. Design/methodology/approach. Experiments were carried out with the mobile technology of frequency-resonance processing and interpretation of remote sensing data using, which is the "direct" method of mineral deposits exploration and operates within the "substantial" paradigm of geophysical investigations.