рослинна сировина


Annual climate conferences draw public attention to the urgent need to ecologize CO2-neutral fuel systems and recognize that global temperature increases must be limited to less than 2 °C to avoid dangerous climate change. Based on the projections of the International Panel on Climate Change, it is now widely accepted that in order to stay within this temperature range, CO2 emissions need to be reduced by 80% by 2050.

Determination of qualitative characteristics of soybean and rapeseed oil by infrared spectroscopy

The article presents results of the study of soybean and rapeseed vegetable oils’ qualitative composition dependence on the degree of raw materials grinding obtained by extraction in a stationary layer in a Soxhlet apparatus using methylene chloride as a solvent. A number of experiments were performed to determine the optical properties of oil by infrared spectroscopy. The absorption spectra for different oil samples are present in the article. The obtained results were compared with previous refractometric and UV-Vis spectroscopy studies.

Mass Transfer in the Solid-Liquid System: Mechanism and Kinetics of the Extraction Process

The mechanism and kinetics of the target components extraction from mineral raw materials (sulfur from sulfur ore by tetrachlorethylene, Al2O3 from bauxite specs by NaOH, copper from ore and malachite by hydrochloric acid), as well as vegetable oils (from amaranth, amaranth hybrid and сamelina by organic solvents) have been studied. Experimental studies to confirm the diffusive nature of the target components extraction from mineral sources have been conducted. Diffusion coefficients for mineral samples have been obtained.

Research of grinding degree influence and polar solvents nature on the efficiency of oil withdrawal from vegetable raw material using extraction method.

The article presents results of experimental data of a study of the extraction process of vegetable oil from soybean and rapeseed in a stationary layer, held using a Soxhlet apparatus. Polar solvents such as methylene chloride and ethanol were used as the extractants. The influence of the grinding degree of the particles of vegetable raw material on the oil yield were investigated. Solvents’ nature impact on the efficiency of the processis established. The results of quantitative analysis are presented in the form of graphical dependencies with the presence of basic process parameters.

Інтенсифікація процесу та кінетика екстрагування цільових компонентів з рослинної сировини

Досліджено механізм та кінетику екстрагування олії з насіння рослинної сировини органічними розчинниками для різних розмірів зерна. Розглянуто та встановлено найбільш вигідні умови процесу екстрагування цільових компонентів з рослинної сировини.

Досліджено вплив ступеня подрібнення сировини на кінетику процесу екстрагування. Встановлено оптимальні умови проведення процесу екстрагування олії. Встановлено межі протікання процесів екстрагування та розчинення цільових компонентів з пористих структур рослинної сировини, які визначають швидкість всього процесу.