структурна складність

Improvement of multi-digital multiplicating devices structures in different theoretical and numerical bases

The article proposes methods for improving the structures of multi-bit multipliers, which are characterized by increased speed, reduced structural complexity of the device and reduced structural complexity of inputs and outputs depending on the bit multipliers (512-2048 bits), respectively (1024- 4096) times, compared with known multipliers based on classic single-digit full adders. Optimization of structures of multi-bit multipliers is offered. Comparative estimates of structural, functional and relative functional and structural complexities of their circuit implementations are given.

The method to improvement of structures of quick-actions one-digit and multiple-bit binary adders

This paper is suggested the methods of improving the structures of high-speed single-bit and multi-bit binary adders with extremely high speed and minimal hardware complexity are proposed. It is proposed to simplify the structure of the logical element “Exclusive OR" by implementing on the basis of the logical element “Exclusive AND". Improved structures of single-digit incomplete adders based on the logic element “Exclusive AND" are proposed.

Galois Fields Elements Processing Units for Cryptographic Data Protection in Cyber-Physical Systems

Currently, elliptic curves are the mathematical basis for digital signature processing. Elliptic curve points processing is based on the performance of operations in Galois field GF(2m) in normal or polynomial bases. Characteristics of multipliers for these bases are different. In this paper, the time complexity of software multipliers for binary Galois fields GF(2m) and fields GF(dn) was investigated. Fields with approximately the same number of elements were investigated. Elements of these fields were represented in a polynomial basis.

Theoretical foundations of assessment method of structured multifunctinal data entropy

The theoretical position entropy method of assessment and structural complexity of binary images. An example of calculating entropy and structural complexity of binary images based on correlation entropy measures and criteria of structural complexity.