physical model

Physical Modeling of Thermal Processes of the Air Solar Collector with Flow Turbulators

The analysis of existing systems of solar air heating has been carried out. The physical model of the solar air collector (SAC) with additionally installed flow turbulators, which are located in the air channel of the solar collector, is presented to improve its thermal characteristics and efficient use in temperate climates. The energy balances for the five key elements of the SAC have been presented and the balance equations system has been written. To determine the geometrical and heat engineering parameters of the flow turbulators, a number of graphical dependencies have been recorded.

Mass Exchange Dynamics During the Second Filtration Drying Period

The work is dedicated to theoretical and experimental investigations of kinetics and dynamics of filtration drying of capillary and pore materials, and mineral granulated fertilizers, in particular. The proposed physical model of a moist particle and the differential system of equations which describes heat exchange in the second drying period enables to determine the transfer velocity of mass-exchange zone in a dispersion layer of the material during filtration drying.