адміністративно-правове регулювання

Principles of civil service аs the basis of administrative transformations in the state

Abstract. The article analyzes the «state service» category, which is one of the institutions through which important functions of state power are implemented. It is emphasized that the present with a high degree of probability proves the need for constant improvement of legal support for the activities of state authorities, which aims to solve urgent problems in the state caused by a number of factors, among which are global transformational processes that are taking place in almost all key spheres of state and social life.

Information technologies for ensuring protection of intellectual property rights: administrative and legal aspects

Abstract. The article is devoted to a comprehensive study of technologies designed to protect intellectual property rights. The scientific basis for the study of information technologies for ensuring the protection of intellectual property rights is analyzed.

Characteristics of administrative and legal regulation of intellectual property : genesis of development

The article is dedicated to a comprehensive study of theoretical and practical issues of administrative and legal regulation of Intellectual Property (IP) as the main element of innovative activity. A particular research has been conducted into the scientific background of administrative and legal regulation of intellectual property. 

Information in the field of labor as an instrument of administrative and legal influence of the state on the regulation of labor relations

Abstract. One of main priorities of the Ukrainian state is creation of political, economic, social and legal terms for realization of relations in the field of labour. The legal adjusting of relations in the field of labour has close inter-branch connection, that allows in a considerable measure to regulate sociallabour relations. However, proper and reliable null information remains a problem from the side of organs of public management in relation to employment and employment of population of economically-active age.

Administrative legal bases of a risk-oriented system of tax control: foreign experience

The article explores the main foreign models of the functioning of a risk-oriented tax control system. A search is made for ways to attract foreign experience to improve the domestic tax control system in the context of d ynamic changes in the administrative and legal regulation of this sphere of public relations. The main directions of development of the current legislation are shown taking into account foreign experience

Current state of administrative and legal regulation of domestic tourism industry

The article is devoted to the research of the current state of administrative-legal regulation
of the domestic tourism industry, since it is one of the key components of the whole set of diverse
farms. It is closely linked to the development of the whole economic policy of a particular state, and
therefore deserves state and international support no less than other branches.

Administrative and legal regulation of insurance as a type of enterprise activity

The article is devoted to the study of insurance as an entrepreneurial activity, which is a
professional protection of property interests of individuals and legal entities, at the expense of
which funds are formed cash funds intended to cover material losses associated with the onset
of certain events. An efficient, financially stable insurance system protects the society from
many social shocks, stimulates business activity, improves the investment climate, contributing
to economic growth in the state as a whole.