Information in the field of labor as an instrument of administrative and legal influence of the state on the regulation of labor relations

: 180-185

Ostapenko L., Rudnytska J. "Information in the field of labor as an instrument of administrative and legal influence of the state on the regulation of labor relations"

Lviv Polytechnic National University, Institute of Jurisprudence and Psychology
Educational and Scientific Institute of Law and of Psychology, National University "Lviv Polytechnic"

Abstract. One of main priorities of the Ukrainian state is creation of political, economic, social and legal terms for realization of relations in the field of labour. The legal adjusting of relations in the field of labour has close inter-branch connection, that allows in a considerable measure to regulate sociallabour relations. However, proper and reliable null information remains a problem from the side of organs of public management in relation to employment and employment of population of economically-active age.

Public policy of Ukraine in a management relations in the field of labour mainly envisages realization of reforms that as a rule remain unfulfilled or failed to fulfill completely. Yes, presence out-of-date on maintenance a legislation in the field of labour and administrative legislation is one of barriers of the use of information for the proper legal adjusting of relations in the field of labour.

Among directions of public informative policy a problem is remained by questions that is related to access of man to employment in default of reliable information about present vacancies. It remains contradictory on maintenance realization of possibilities in the field of labour that is related to violation of legislation about labour and bringing in of winy persons to legal responsibility. Unsettled from the side of the state relations in the field of labour, that touch citizens that work outside Ukraine. Need a dataware employment persons that is temporally transferred from east territories of Ukraine. List of the marked and other problems, that the states related to informative politics in the field of needs not only guarantees for the subjects of labour relations but also proper providing by creation of effective mechanisms of the legal adjusting of activity of the state in the field of information.

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