fire resistance

Міцнісні та деформаційні властивості бетону за підвищених температур сталезалізобетонних конструкцій

The method of determination of bearing capacity of concrete criteria εcu1, θ to calculate the fire resistance of composite structures of buildings, from which refined given in Eurocode EN 1994-1-2:2005 and DSTU-N-P B.2.6 B-159: 2010, data on strength and deformation properties of concrete at elevated temperatures.

Synthesis and properties of halogen containing simple and complex block copolyethers

Bifunctional halogen-containing oligomers of various composition and structure were synthesized. Simple and complex aromatic block copolyethers of constructional and film purpose were obtained by various methods of polycondensation. Physical and chemical properties of obtained block copolyethers were studied.