polymethacrylic acid

Phenomenon of Remote Interaction and Sorption Ability of Rare Cross-linked Hydrogels of Polymethacrylic Acid and Poly-4-vinylpyridine in Relation to Erbium Ions

Phenomenon of the long-range effect of poly(methacrylic acid) hydrogel  poly(4-vinylpyridine) hydrogel (gPMAAgP4VP intergel system) оn erbium ions sorption was studied. It was established that the structure of the basic hydrogel had a significant impact on the self-organization of the PMAA hydrogel. The mutual activation of hydrogels was investigated in an aqueous medium. Dependencies of swelling coefficient, specific electric conductivity and pH of aqueous solutions were determined.

Mutual activation and sorption ability of rare cross-linked networks in intergel system based on polymethacrylic acid and poly-4-vinylpyridine hydrogels in relation to lanthanum ions

Sorption ability of intergel system polymethacrylic acid hydrogel (gPMAA) – poly-4-vinylpyridine hydrogel (gP4VP) in relation to lanthanum ions is studied. Hydrogels mutual activation in an aqueous medium, particularly dependencies of swelling coefficient, specific electric conductivity and pH of water solutions are studied. Maximum activation of hydrogels occurs at gPMAA:gP4VP molar ratio 3:3. Maximum total binding degree of polymer chain in the intergel system is observed at the ratio gPMAA:gP4VP = 1:5.