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Variation of Hydraulic Resistance in Pressure Pipelines of an Open-Type Hydraulic System

Pressure distributive pipelines with path distribution of fluid are part of various technical systems. Pressure losses at abrupt and smooth pipe reductions are components of total pressure losses in these pipelines. After all, the equalization of fluid distribution along the length of distributive pipelines is achieved, in particular, by reducing their diameter in the direction of flow. Depending on the configuration of the pipe reductions, pressure losses at this pipeline element can vary.


At present, the problem of air pollution is a serious environmental problem that negatively affects the living conditions and health of people. The composition of atmospheric air in large industrial and urban agglomerations depends on the type of production and the level of its technology. A promising method of improving dust collectors is the creation of dust collectors, where the principles of operation of several devices are implemented.

Investigation of Cyclon Operation Modes With Intermediate Removal of Deposed Dust

Goal. The problem can be solved in research by studying the effect of the ratio of the volume of gas passing through the dust unloading holes to the amount of gas passing through the tangential inlet to the hydraulic resistance and cleaning efficiency in the cyclone with intermediate removal of precipitated dust.

Investigation of hydraulic resistance of a straight cyclon with a coaxial inset

Goal. The problem in research work can be solved by using of experimental research of dependence of hydraulic resistance of a cyclone on expenses of a gas stream and geometrical parameters of the device. Actuality of the work is to optimize the design of a direct-flowing cyclone with a coaxial inset according to the hydraulic characteristics of the device.