Goal. The problem can be solved in research by studying the effect of the ratio of the volume of gas passing through the dust unloading holes to the amount of gas passing through the tangential inlet to the hydraulic resistance and cleaning efficiency in the cyclone with intermediate removal of precipitated dust. Actualіty of the work is that the establishment of the optimal ratio between the flow of air sucked through the dust holes and the total air flow in the cyclone with intermediate removal of deposited dust will obtain the highest efficiency of this type of device while reducing hydraulic resistance. The method is that to determine the hydraulic resistance and cleaning efficiency using CFD - programs in the CAD - program was built a cyclone model with intermediate removal of deposited dust, the design of which is presented in [5] by the method according to [6]. Results. The optimal ratio between the flow of air sucked through the dust unloading holes and the total air flow in the cyclone with the intermediate removal of deposited dust for different connection schemes of the device. Scientific novelty. For the first time with the help of theoretical researches the optimum ratio between the expenses of the air sucked out through dust unloading openings and the general expenses of air in a cyclone with intermediate removal of the deposited dust is established. Practical significance. The use in a cyclone with intermediate removal of deposited dust, the optimal ratio between the flow of air sucked through the dust discharge holes and the total air flow allows to obtain higher efficiency of air purification from dust at lower energy costs.
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