cluster analysis

Застосування кластерного аналізу для діагностики дієвості господарського механізму торговельних підприємств

In the article the theoretical principles and the methodological and practical recommendations to enhance the effectiveness of the economic mechanism of operation of commercial enterprises are introduced and grounded. The role and place of the economic mechanism in the economic mechanism of the enterprise is studied. The possibility of using the method of cluster analysis for evidence-based segmentation of commercial enterprises is revealed.

Ідентифікація проблемних ситуацій та їх станів у складних технічних системах з використанням модифікованого алгоритму ФОРЕЛ

The article describes the features of the identification of problem situations and their states using the modified algorithm FOREL of clasterization. The main difference of the modified algorithm from the classical one is the user’s ability to set the quality score for clusters, which makes the algorithm flexible in analyzing problem situations and states in complex technical systems.

Ієрархічний агломеративний кластерний аналіз одновимірних асиметрично розподілених даних у середовищі MS Excel

Hierarchical anglomerative information technology cluster analysis of objects onedimensional data samples of different volumes is presented. This technology is implemented in an environment MsExcel-2003.

Інформаційна технологія ідентифікації проблемних ситуацій та їх станів у складних технічних системах

The article contains information technology for identification of problematic situations and their states in complex technical systems, which is based on a method that is based on the information model identification process and modified clustering algorithms such situations FOREL and K-MEANS.

Mapping of horizontal crustal movements in Europe based on data of EPN service

Contemporary geodynamic investigations on a global and regional scale are being realized by network of permanent GNSS stations distributed all over the Earth. The Continental EPN (EUREF Permanent Network) is a European network of 200 permanent stations and the main assignment of EPN is the maintenance of ETRF89. One from many available products as part of project “EPN Coordinate Time Series Analysis Special Project” are components of the velocity vectors of EPN stations.