
Intelligent driver assistance systems based on computer vision and deep learning

This article presents an integrated Advanced Driver Assistance System (ADAS) that combines several key functional modules, such as collision warning, lane detection, traffic sign recognition, and pothole detection, which are implemented using modern deep learning models, particularly YOLOv8n. The system is optimized for devices with limited computational resources, such as Raspberry Pi or NVIDIA Jetson Nano, by employing a modular architecture and parallel data processing to ensure realtime performance.

Метод і НВІС-структура пристрою для обчислення суми квадратів різниць для RBF-мережі реального часу

Вибрано принципи побудови, розроблено метод паралельно-вертикального обчислення суми квадратів різниць, НВІС-структуру пристрою та оцінено затрати обладнання на його реалізацію.

Principles of structure have been selected, method and structure of the VLSI-device of parallel-vertical calculation of the sum of squared differences were developed, and assessments of equipment costs for its implementation were conducted.

Methods of tracking an arbitrary number of objects in real-time on a mobile platform

The problem of choosing methods for tracking recognized objects in real-time for systems with limited hardware capabilities is considered. It was determined that for such scenarios, it is appropriate to integrate tracking methods into the device, bypassing data transmission via the Internet.

Existing methods of tracking an arbitrary number of objects in real-time are considered. Among the performance evaluation metrics, the following were used: MOTA, MOTP, F1, MT, ML, ID, and FM.

Geoinformation simulation model of ground and air situation around airports

The paper presents a simulation model of the GIS representation of ground and air situation around the airport, which makes it possible to provide the necessary degree of detail of the processes of aircraft and other objects that move at the airport by a simultaneous transformation of their characters and plots geographic background, the presentation of electronic aeronautical charts observable part of space in a given scale