
Implementation of the provisions of article 13 of the Constitution of Ukraine

The work analyzes the method of implementing the provisions of Article 13 of the Constitution of Ukraine in accordance with the norms of the Tax Code of Ukraine. It was revealed that the Ukrainian people's ownership of the subsoil is improperly implemented and requires radical changes. This issue is solved in the work by determining the components of the price of raw materials extracted in Ukraine. It is proposed to define the sale price as the sum of two components: the extraction price plus rent.

Порівняння алгебричних методів подань алгоритмів

Порівняннями за системами операцій та їхніми властивостями та побудованими моделями абстрактної комп’ютерної системи дано оцінку таких відомих алгебричних методів опису алгоритмів, якими є модифікована система алгоритмічних алгебр, модифікована алгебра алгоритмів та алгебра алгоритмів.

Modern problems of administrative and legal protection of the rights and legitimate interests of Ukrainian citizens in the field of property

The article is devoted to the problem of defining modern problems of administrative and legal protection of the rights and legitimate interests of Ukrainian citizens in the field of property and theoretical justification of ways to solve them. It was established that the scientific study of issues of administrative and legal protection of the rights and legitimate interests of Ukrainian citizens in the field of property is an important condition for improving domestic legislation and the practice of its application.

“Grȕndisse einer őekonometrie” – econometric accounting theory developed at the border of the XIX - XX centuries

The materials of this article are a continuation of the published results in the publication in the previous issue, which provides a generalized comparison of the basic principles of building accounting and "traditional" econometric concepts. In this study, an analysis of the formulated methodological principles of the studied accounting (balance sheet) theory was carried out with an assessment of the methods of representation in the accounting system and the balance sheet generalization of the main objects and economic processes of the enterprise.

«Gründrisse Einer Öekonometrie» – Econometric Accounting Theory Developed in Galicia at the Border of the Xix – Xx Centuries

The content and subject orientation of accounting (balance) econometric theory are revealed, the level of substantiation of its use of macroeconomic approaches and mathematical apparatus as auxiliary means for increasing the reliability of quantitative measurement (quantification) of property and capital actually existing at a separate enterprise is assessed. The parameters and conceptual and methodological orientation of this development, presented by a new system of measuring values in the economy on the basis of accounting information, are studied.

The person of the criminal as an element of criminal characteristics of illegal privatization of state and municipal property

The article is devoted to the analysis of the issue of the identity of the criminal as an integral element of the forensic characterization of illegal privatization of state and collective property, the responsibility for which is provided by Art. 233 of the Criminal code of Ukraine. The opinion is substantiated that in order to build an effective forensic characterization, only those elements should be singled out that have a clear orientation and search orientation and can contribute to the determination of further directions of investigation.

Economic and legal principles of protection of property rights in the areas of conducting united forces operation

The article is devoted to the economic and legal principles of protection of property
rights in areas of operation of the united forces in Ukraine. Particular attention is focused
on modern economic and legal challenges and threats, factors of anthropogenic influence
on the sphere of property and ways of their overcoming. The article clarifies the problems
of implementation of economic and legal measures to guarantee the citizens of Ukraine the
right to own, use and dispose of property, factors of creating an effective economic and

The Sulfonation of 3,5,7,3’,4’-Pentahydroxyflavone and Non-Linear-Optical Activity of its Sulfonic Derivatives

Synthesis of sulfoquercetin and studies of its structure and nonlinear properties have been carried out. Using quantum-chemical simulations, 13С and HSQC NMR spectrometry, FTIR spectroscopy it was shown that a sulphonic group occurs in C8 location of quercetin. Molecular first hyperpolarizability of the obtained 8-sulfoquercetin was studied. It was shown that 8-sulfoquercetin can be used for creation the new polymer NLO materials on its basis.