geometric parameters

Impact of traffic volume and composition on the change in the speed of traffic flow

The problem of the change in the speed of traffic flow at different traffic volumes and compositions is researched in this study. The section of the road network with different geometric parameters (descent, ascent and horizontal section) was chosen for the study. The method of investigation of traffic flow`s speed and factors which have an impact on the reduction of road network capacity are analyzed.

Power Skiving as a Modern Method of Cutting Gear Wheels and Features of Its Modeling

Aim. Analyze the state of the branch of new Power skiving technology, the limits of its rational use, its advantages and disadvantages, to form the main directions of development of this method of tooth cutting and optimization of the structure and geometry of its cutting tool. Method.

Results of geodetic control of stress-strain state of RCO of NPP with ВВЕР-1000

On case example for the results of the geodesic control of geometric parameters ZORO is appreciated the influence of works as to pull of armatures bunches on tensely-deformed state acknowledging the effectiveness of geodesic works generally program as to ensuring of operational reliability RB APS with WWER-1000.