reference stations

Monitoring of crustal movements in Ukraine using the network of reference GNSS-stations

The main goal of our research was to identify the features of the spatial distribution of crustal movements in Ukraine using GNSS technology. Methods. As the initial date for investigation were the observations of 4 years (2013-2016) from over 120 reference stations in Ukraine. The cumulative solution was estimated by program GAMIT/GLOBK. For reference (real), we have taken solutions from EPN Analysis Combination Centre. By comparing the real coordinate and coordinate determined in our cumulative solution we compute RMS of the positioning.

Study of dynamic changes of coordinates reference stations network ZAKPOS

We suggest using the method macromodelling to study dynamic changes of coordinates of reference stations. This method is good enough to determine the effect of ionosphere on the accuracy of GPS-coordinates of stations. For example, used a network of stations ZAKPOS. The main goal of our work was to study the best way is optimal for accurate positioning of the reference station network.