органи публічного управління

Concept of public administration in the conditions of the formation on the public-service state

The article is devoted to the problem of forming an updated concept of public administration in the conditions of the formation of a public service state in Ukraine.

The article analyzes the main prerequisites for the formation of the updated concept of public administration, the historical aspects of the birth of the relevant ideology, the formation of a philosophical and scientific idea regarding the terminological outline of the relevant concepts dedicated to the improvement of management processes in the state.

Modernization of Communicative Activity of Public Agencies

Formulation of the problem. Social and political transformations observed in the public sphere of Ukrainian society involve increasing attention to the activities of public agencies and the development of communicative activities both between them and between them and the population. Public agencies should implement their activities on the basis of openness, transparency and publicity, using the latest forms, methods and approaches to the implementation of communicative activities.