Concept of public administration in the conditions of the formation on the public-service state

Citation APA: Dobosh Z. (2023).  Concept of public administration in the conditions of the formation on the public-service state. Bulletin of Lviv Polytechnic National University. Series: Legal Sciences. Vol. 10, No. 3(39), pp. 74-81.

Lviv Polytechnic National University, Institute of Jurisprudence and Psychology

The article is devoted to the problem of forming an updated concept of public administration in the conditions of the formation of a public service state in Ukraine.

The article analyzes the main prerequisites for the formation of the updated concept of public administration, the historical aspects of the birth of the relevant ideology, the formation of a philosophical and scientific idea regarding the terminological outline of the relevant concepts dedicated to the improvement of management processes in the state.

Special attention is paid to the process of debureaucratization of management processes, strengthening of their flexibility, result-orientedness, involvement of the public in them.

It is noted that the updated concept of public administration is being formed in the conditions of the formation of a public-service state in Ukraine and the establishment of "people-centrism" as a new philosophy of administrative-legal relations and interaction between the state and its citizens.

It has been found that the establishment of "people-centeredness" as a new philosophy of administrative-legal relations and public management presupposes the predominance of the interests of man and society over the interests of the state.

Special attention is devoted to the peculiarities of the normative and legal framework of modern public administration, to the search for ways to transform modern legislation in this area. It was found that the ideas of digitalization of the process of providing administrative services, creation of a single state web portal for their provision, rationalization and minimization of the list of documents and procedures used to obtain administrative services became important ideas enshrined in the current legislation of Ukraine.

The role of the Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine in the process of forming the updated concept of public administration in Ukraine is characterized.

The importance of further work on the implementation of the "Digital State" project, which is actively implemented through the convenient online system "Action", was emphasized. Among the effective tools, the approval of which requires further support from the state, the services for providing electronic permit documents through the "Diya" portal, the electronic court system, electronic voting, etc., are mentioned.

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