heat flow

Моделювання теплового стану в термочутливому елементі потужного світлодіода

Розглянуто стаціонарну нелінійну осесиметричну задачу теплопровідності для термочутливого шару, який нагрівається внутрішніми джерелами тепла і тепловим потоком. Отримано аналітичний розв’язок цієї задачі та виконано числовий аналіз для заданої залежності коефіцієнта теплопровідності матеріалу шару від температури.

Моделювання температурних режимів у термочутливому вузлі мікроелектронних пристроїв

Розглядається стаціонарна нелінійна задача теплопровідності для термочутливої смуги, яка нагрівається внутрішніми джерелами тепла і тепловим потоком. Отримано аналітичний розв’язок цієї задачі та виконано числовий аналіз для заданої залежності коефіцієнта теплопровідності матеріалу смуги від температури.

Mathematical models for the determination of temperature fields in heterogeneous elements of digital devices taking thermo sensitivity into account

Linear and nonlinear mathematical models for determining the temperature field and subsequently analyzing temperature regimes in isotropic spatial media with semi-through foreign inclusions subjected to internal and external thermal loads are developed.


Linear and nonlinear mathematical models for determining the temperature field, and later the analysis of temperature regimes in isotropic spatial inhomogeneous media exposed to internal and external thermal loads have been developed. To do this, the thermal conductivity for such structures is described as a whole using symmetric unit functions, which allows us to consider boundary thermal conductivity problems with one linear and nonlinear differential equation of thermal conductivity with discontinuous coefficients and linear and nonlinear boundary conditions on boundary surfaces.


Se­pa­ra­te mat­he­ma­ti­cal mo­dels for de­ter­mi­ning the tem­pe­ra­tu­re distri­bu­ti­on in the ele­ments of tur­bo­ge­ne­ra­tors ha­ve be­en de­ve­lo­ped, which are descri­bed ge­omet­ri­cally by an isot­ro­pic half-spa­ce and a he­at-sen­si­ti­ve spa­ce with lo­cally con­centra­ted so­ur­ces of he­ating. For this pur­po­se, using the the­ory of ge­ne­ra­li­zed functi­ons in a con­ve­ni­ent form, we wri­te the ini­ti­al dif­fe­ren­ti­al eq­ua­ti­ons of ther­mal con­duc­ti­vity with bo­un­dary con­di­ti­ons.

Ecological and energy aspects of using the combined solar collectors for low-energy houses

The promising environmentally friendly solar heating systems are based on the combined solar collector, in which the absorber made of constructive material of low-energy house was described. The usage of the combined absorber with an external protection of low-energy house ensures sufficient efficiency of combined solar collector and reduces its cost. Three-factor planning matrix with the factors interaction was developed.

Дослідження та шляхи зменшення теплового випромінювання під час пожеж

The materials of the article the radial heat flow, which is present in a fire, and analyzed factors flame from which the heat flow is dependent. Based on experimental studies installing dependence heat flux changes with distance, and the influence of environmental parameters in which the radial heat transfer on the intensity of radiation energy flame. Based on the studies identified and specified coefficient weakening energy radiation flame small water spray.

Натурні дослідження геліопокрівлі в гравітаційній системі теплопостачання

This article examines the efficiency of helioroof in natural conditions. Modern energy development is characterized by a significant increase in energy costs. In recent decades, in many countries there is environmental degradation due to the increasing number of fossil fuels, and as a result, increasing concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. The need to replace non-renewable energy sources associated not only with their depletion, but also the danger of global scale, which is created by burning coal, oil, gas, peat and the increase of CO2 in the atmosphere.

Experimental Research of Speed Mode Influence on the Effectiveness of Helioroof

Feasibility of using alternative energy sources, current state and prospects of solar energy development is analyzed. Today, it is important to improve and develop new solar panels that would reduce their costs and increase efficiency. Efficiency of helioroof in the solar heating system with forced movement of coolant is analyzed. It is shown that heat can be used effectively with roofing building material. The results of research of incoming flow of solar radiation on the helioroof are described.

Geothermal model of the Earth’s crust across the Eastern Carpatians along the seismsc profile Dobre-3 (PANCAKE)

This paper presents two-dimensional numerical models of the thermal structure of the crust and upper mantle in the Carpathians region based on new seismic data along the profile Dobre-3 (PANKACE) from East European Craton to Pannonian basin (PB). Heat flow and temperature distribution in the crust can be explained by lithosphere structure and Cenozoic tectonic and magmatic activity.