criminal law

Criminal Executive Law During the Period of Martial Law in Ukraine

Abstract. The article analyzes the peculiarities of the functioning of criminal enforcement law in Ukraine during the period of martial law. We mentioned that the criminal law of Ukraine establishes the procedure and conditions for serving criminal punishments in order to protect the interests of the individual, society and the state by creating conditions for correction and resocialization of convicts, prevention of committing new crimes, prevention of torture and inhumane treatment of convicts.

On the Issue of Ensuring the Safety of Witnesses in Criminal Proceedings

Abstract. The legal status of a witness in criminal proceedings entails a set of rights and obligations, which are intended to ensure their cooperation with judicial authorities to fulfill the objectives of criminal justice.

Security measures for witnesses (physical protection, confidentiality, etc.) must guarantee the provision of testimony without fear for their own life or the lives of their loved ones, as well as prevent potential pressure or physical harm from criminals or other interested parties.

The Concept and Legal Nature of the Institution of Exemption From Punishment and Its Serving

The article reveals the concept and legal nature of the institution of exemption from punishment and its serving since this institution is closely related to both the purpose of punishment and the tasks of criminal responsibility in general. In this regard, exemption from serving a sentence requires a more detailed study.

Treason and Sabotage: Criminal Liability Under Martial Law

The article analyzes the changes to the Criminal Code of Ukraine introduced during martial law in connection with russia's armed aggression against Ukraine. The needs and reasons for changes to the criminal legislation, which provide for harsher punishments compared to peacetime, are substantiated: the change in the social danger of crimes, the need to strengthen prevention, and ensure justice.

Understanding the post-criminal behavior of the offender, who committed a criminal offense

Abstract. The article focuses on the fact that the sphere of behavior of a person, which today is regulated by the legislation of Ukraine on criminal liability, and which in connection with this becomes the object of an official assessment, is actually much wider than criminally punishable acts, and primarily, it concerns legally significant treatment of a person after committing a criminal offense. Such behavior is called "post-criminal", "post-criminal" or "post-criminal".

War crimes in criminal law of Ukraine

The article highlights the concepts, signs and classifications of war crimes. Disclosure of the meaning of the concept of "war crime" taking into account the provisions of international criminal law. Attention is focused on revealing the meaning of the concept of "war crime" taking into account the provisions of international criminal law. Ukraine is going through a difficult period of history associated with the armed conflict in the east of the country. This creates a serious need for the study and regulation of war crimes in the context of national criminal law.

The concept of punishment

The question of strict differentiation of responsibility and punishment in the legal literature arose at the turn of the 50-60's. Until 1958, the legislation did not generally consider criminal liability separately from punishment. An article appeared in the Principles of 1958 and the Criminal Code of the Ukrainian SSR in 1960, which provided the grounds for exemption from criminal liability and punishment. This was a confirmation, that the legislator does not equate criminal liability and punishment, but follows the path of distinguishing these concepts.

The principle of fairness of punishment

The principles of sentencing are a separate category of criminal law. Opinions of scholars on the definition of the principles of sentencing and their types differ. It is impossible to formulate a specific exhaustive list of types of such principles. There may be many. However, in the criminal law literature, all researchers of the problem of sentencing must include the principle of justice in the types of principles of sentencing.

Development of the doctrine of judicial disposal in the history of criminal law

The article analyzes the development of the doctrine of judicial discretion in the history of criminal law. It has been proven that most of the modern theories of judicial discretion are integrative in nature, reflected in modern criminal codes. For example, the French Criminal Code of 1992 relies on the ideas of the school of “new social protection” and on the concepts and institutions developed by the classical school (in the case of the classification of criminal acts, guilt, insanity).

Generic and specific signs of bribery in connection with the implementation of voting rights, the criminal legislation of Ukraine

In the article the bribery of a voter's referendum as a separate bribery. Its features are determined by the specifics of the process. The attention paid to the specific features of bribing voters, by referendum, and in particular due to the presence zavualovanosti form an action, tangible criteria definition of illegal benefit others. Overview, knowledge of generic and specific features of bribing a voter's referendum will promote adequate criminal-legal assessment of this type of giving further improvement of the criminal legislation of Ukraine.