

Today there are many scientific and technical knowledge that make construction a reliable, fast and economical. To provides a safe and durable (the fundamental components of reliability) of builnings and structures are developed the methods of reliability theory. Improving the methods of calculation is enables researchers and designers to create effective structures with a preset (expedient) level of reliability, which directly affects to an amount of required materials and, appropriately, a cost of future building objects in general.

The contents of administrative responsibility for offenses in the sphere of ensuring road safety

The article raised the theoretical aspects of administrative responsibility for offenses in the field of road safety. Analyzes the elements of an administrative offense – object and subject of the offense, the objective and the subjective aspect in the field of road safety and road services in the context of existing legislation. Analyzed scientific views on the issue of administrative responsibility for offenses in the area of road safety from the perspective of the theory of administrative and criminal law.

The concept of embedded safety

The paper introduces the concept of embedded safety as a method ensuring the functional efficiency and safety unity of scientific and technical activities. The author suggests the safety criterion of the dominating vector of the worldview intentions in the society and among professionals and the safety criterion of the scientific and technical project.

Economic methods of safety management on industrial enterprises

The article reviews the security situation and labor conditions in most enterprises in the country, considers the economic losses caused by non-compliance with safety regulations on the workplace. The analysis of economic methods of safety management on industrial enterprises in modern conditions was conducted. The factors of economic impact on employer and employees, as far as compliance with safety regulations in the workplace is concerned, were revealed. The priority areas of socio-economic governance conditions and safety measures in the present situation were pointed out.

Changes in the system of criminal punishments and their influence on providing of state security of Ukraine

The article is sanctified to the analysis of questions of intercommunication and changes of elements of state security and system of criminal punishments on Ukrainian earth in different historical periods. It is well-proven that changes in the system of criminal punishments are one of backer-ups of state security.