

The article presents the software development for modeling and simulating the workspace of a collaborative robot taking into account the presence of people. This is an important step in creating safe and efficient robotic systems within Industry 5.0 concept. The problem is posed by the need to ensure safety during the interaction of the robot with the operator, which is relevant for modern production processes with high human participation.

Problems of the human factor in transport systems

Transport accident statistics and practical safety results indicate that technological solutions cannot ensure the viability (safety, sustainability, reliability and efficiency) of complex systems and structures without addressing human factors. This problem is especially acute for transport systems as highly complex technological and social structures aimed at ensuring the efficiency and safety of an entire sphere of human life. In transportation systems and technologies, the human factor plays a critical role.

The relationship of state and public control in the field of health care

Abstract. The scientific article focuses on factors that indicate the relevance of the study of state and public control in the field of health care as an object of legal regulation. Such factors include the unsatisfactory state of health of the population, the observance of human rights in the field of health care, the quality and efficiency of the medical reform, the quality of the provision of medical services, etc. Therefore, the study of the characteristics of the relationship and legal regulation of state and public control in the field of health care is extremely relevant.

Система управління безпекою життєдіяльності мешканців великого міста

Розглянуто основні поняття безпеки життєдіяльності міста, особливості управління безпекою, постановка задачі управління безпекою міста, фактори впливу на безпкеку міста та наслідки цього впливу, проаналізовано зв”язок факторів впливу та наслідків для типових об”єктів та систем міського середовища.

Системний підхід до вибору консолідованої інформації в управлінні

Розглянуто системний підхід до визначення консолідованої інформації для ефективного управління екологічною безпекою міста. Запропоновано використання системи цілей управління екобезпекою міста та їхнього системного аналізу. Визначено консолідовану інформацію для управління екобезпекою міста, структуру управлінських дій та їхніх можливих виконавців.

The Essential Characteristics of the Main Concepts of the Categorical Apparatus of Work Safety Management in Territorial Communitie

Workplace safety management in territorial communities is of great importance for ensuring the safety and health of workers at the local community level. In order to prevent accidents and deterioration of health, effective work safety management is essential, involving a systematic approach to the identification, assessment, and control of risks associated with working conditions and processes.

An assessment of the effect of touting on Nigerian seaport operations: a case study of Apapa port

In Nigeria, touting has been a challenge in the port, as it causes loss and diversion of cargo. Therefore, this study examined the effect of touting on the operational performance of the Apapa port. Specifically, a self-administered questionnaire was distributed to determine the extent of the touting on service delivery, security measures on operational quality dependability, pilfering on operations output safety, touting influencing elements on operational reliability, and touting activities on overall performance.


The purpose of the research is formation of passenger transport policy by public transport from the standpoint of determining the level of safety in COVID-19 and passenger comfort with the development of basics for measuring the perception of the most important factors of public transport convenience, minimum discomfort and maximum safety. Methodology. The study was conducted in two stages - inhouse and experimental - the collection and processing of data obtained from the survey of passenger flows.

Adapting features of medium stories dense development for children’s needs


У статті проаналізовано містобудівельні та просторово-планувальні обмеження щільної забудови у розплануванні простору для дітей. Визначено критерії та умови відповідності середовища потребам дітей. Висвітлено проблематику місця розташування дитячих майданчиків.