
The analysis of a problem of definition of vague predicates

As a result of the executed research a sources of paradoxes type of sorites are revealed. It is offered to bring in definitions of words with the semantics of the vagueness the information which will interfere creating of paradoxes of type of sorites. It is proposed to clarify the definition of concept of “a heap”.

Концепція створення веб-сайта Національного університету «Львівська політехніка»

Розглянуто концепцію створення та розвитку офіційного комплексного веб-сайта Львівської політехніки як засобу подання сучасного університету у глобальному інформаційному середовищі.

In this paper we consider the main points of Lviv Polytechnic National University website development conception as the means of modern university positioning in the global information environment.

Conception of quality management of city environment of city

The basic concepts of quality of city environment are considered, going near the management of quality of city environment, state of city environment for today, lacks of management,  raising of task of quality management of city environment. The system of aims  of quality management of city environment, choice of indexes of quality on the basis of this system and conceptual model of quality management, is offered.