
The Right to Life and the Problem of Legalizing Euthanasia in Ukraine

Abstract. The article highlights the main positions for and against the legalization of euthanasia as a human right to death from different perspectives - social, religious, legal, and moral and ethical. Ukraine, as a democratic state, must comply with the international acts it has ratified and pay attention to the trends in Europe and the world, borrowing from the positive experience of these countries.

The protection of the right to life: certain aspects in the context of contemporary risks

The article deals with certain aspects of the protection of the right to life in the context of
contemporary risks. In particular, the use of the death penalty, artificial termination of
pregnancy (abortion), which is relevant to issues of morality, religion and medicine, the use of
euthanasia as a deprivation of life, the deprivation of life resulting from the absolutely
necessary use of force on the basis were studied of the analysis of domestic and foreign

The legal adjusting of child’s euthanasia is the legislation of Belgium

The article is devoted the analysis of question of legalization of child’s euthanasia in Belgium. In March, 2014 the special law which allowed application of euthanasia to the children not depending on their age was brought in Belgium into an action. Consequently, it became the first state in the world, which set so wide scopes of permission in this sphere.

The human right to die in natural way as part of the right’s to life content (modern Orthodox ideas in the light of international standards)

The article focuses on the human right for life, especially to human rights to be die in a natural way. Such important questions as euthanasia, capital punishment (death penalty) and premeditated murder are analyzed in the article. The article analyzes the modern 163 interpretation of the Orthodox Church appointed on the issue, mentioned before. This interpretation is also compared with international standards; similar and distinctive features are detected by the way.