
Scale of Ukrainian business to the European market

Based on the analysis of information sources on business scaling, the enterprises were classified by size and, in turn, by the type of activity of the enterprise.  The strategies of business scaling to international markets and the selection of scaling variations by content were taken into account, and in turn, the following were identified: franchising, branches, subsidiaries, outsourcing, and joint venture. The next step was to study the strategies of successful Ukrainian companies that have entered foreign markets.

Determining the Efficiency of the Financial Outsourcing Use by an Enterprise-Customer

The article disclosed the essence of the financial outsourcing and its place in the outsourcing activity system of an enterprise-customer. It is determined that financial outsourcing can be considered as one of the subspecies of management processes outsourcing. The delegation of financial functions to the third-party organization has a number of advantages, but this is also rather risky considering the importance of such a function qualitative performing. That is why the determination of financial outsourcing efficiency is an important task.

Modeling of Innovative Development of Administration of Ooutsourcing Activities of It-Market Enterprises

Outsourcing provides IT companies with a number of benefits and improves the financial and economic performance of their operations. The outsourcing market in Ukraine is developing fast, many types of outsourcing are used in various types of economic activity. Implementation of outsourcing as one of the most popular business models necessitates constant and well-coordinated cooperation with other business entities.

Estimating the value of real estate logistics objects

In order to evaluate strategic business units there were identified the main types of its value: the current value, market value, liquidation value, replacement cost, cost of reproduction, the investment cost, which allowed to determine the level of its usefulness to businesses, particularly, also the supply chain for which priority is adding value to the client by each element.

The outsourcing operation risk management by the corporate customer

The article deals with the peculiari¬ties of outsourcing risk management when making decisions about its usage in production and commercial operations of the enterprise. The main factors of risk development have been systemized, as well as the estimation procedure of the level of their impact on the enterprise has been developed, based on the determination of the expected amount of losses.

Outsoursing as an effective instrument of projects management

Preconditions of using outsourcing in the process of projects management, types of outsourcing services in this sphere, their characteristics and applications are considered. Advantages and disadvantages for outsourcing services customer organizations concerning project management and constraints of using outsourcing in present-day Ukraine are studied.