project management

Імовірнісні та імітаційні моделі планування та управління в мультипроектному середовищі

In the paper considered the models of project portfolio’s formation and the allocation of resources between the portfolio projects under uncertainty, their advantages and disadvantages, the impact of organizational structures and modern software development technologies to reduce the uncertainty level, substantiated the necessity to use imitation to obtain decisions on planning in multi-project environment, offered structure of the simulation model.

Застосування неповних і неточних даних в управлінні комерційними web-проектами

Ways and procedures of Project decision making in management of commercial web-projects under conditions of incomplete and inaccuracy of some are described in the paper. Principal factors of project decision making were analyzed, reasons and nature of project characteristics of incomplete and inaccuracy are defined. Procedures for reducing project characteristics of incomplete and inaccuracy levels based on fuzzy logic are developed.

Submission multidimensional data to manage IT projects

Tthe article presents the theoretical principles and proposes methodological and practical recommendations to enhance the effectiveness of the information system. The analysis of the basic principles and techniques of project management and information processes is presented and methodology of corporate information systems project management is grounded.

Methods of increasing efficiency of commercial web projects management in conditions of uncertainty

The method of content management as its life cycle stage based on Fuzzy Logic is proposed. The method of content management describes the commercial web resources forming and automation technology that simplifies the content management. Ways and procedures of Project decision making in management of commercial web-projects under conditions of incomplete and inaccuracy of some are described in the paper. Principal factors of project decision making were analyzed, reasons and nature of project characteristics of incomplete and inaccuracy are defined.

Outsoursing as an effective instrument of projects management

Preconditions of using outsourcing in the process of projects management, types of outsourcing services in this sphere, their characteristics and applications are considered. Advantages and disadvantages for outsourcing services customer organizations concerning project management and constraints of using outsourcing in present-day Ukraine are studied.