
Unlocking Sustainability: A Comprehensive Review of Up-Recycling Biomass Waste into Biochar for Environmental Solutions

From the perspective of converting waste into valuable products and reducing environmental pollution, the up-recycling of biomass waste into carbon-rich materials is attracting widespread attention. This literature review presents the possibilities of using the solid product of one-stage carbonization (char) of plant-origin waste biomass. Several applications are discussed, including the production of sorbents, energy storage materials, catalyst carriers, and agricultural applications.

Ecologization of agriculture: legal aspect

The article is devoted to the analysis of regulatory and legal support  of ecologization in the field of agriculture and prospects for its improvement.

Ecologization of the agricultural sector is ensured by legal norms contained in laws and by-laws. In general, the norms of environmental and agrarian legislation of Ukraine regulate the relations of environmental protection and nature use in the field of agriculture.


The increasing demand for precision agriculture has prompted the integration of advanced technologies to optimize agricultural practices. This article presents an approach to agricultural field data processing using a cloud-based data pipeline. The system leverages data from various sensors deployed in the fields to collect real-time information on key parameters such as soil moisture, temperature, humidity, etc. The collected data is transmitted to the cloud where it undergoes a series of data processing and analysis stages.

Development support of agricultural cooperation in Ukraine by public institutions

Problem statement. It is important to encourage entrepreneurial activity in various areas for the development of rural areas. One of the means of boosting local economic development is to promote the formation and development of agricultural cooperatives.

Investigation of Greenhouse Monitoring and Control System

Unsuitable climatic conditions, various natural disasters and instability and unpredictability of the weather significantly complicate cultivation, and sometimes make it even impossible. To ensure the best conditions for cultivation and the highest yields, farmers began to use greenhouses. However, in our hectic lives, people are constantly busy with something and there is no enough time. Long trips, business trips, vacations are also possible. It is becoming increasingly difficult to provide the necessary conditions for plants to grow on their own.

Use of zeolite in agriculture and environmental protection. A short review

In recent years there has been an increasing interest in the possibility of the use of natural aluminosilicates in agriculture and environmental protection. Zeolites are a large group of (cluster silicates) aluminosilicate minerals with different chemical composition. Due to their unique physical and chemical properties (high sorption capacity and ion-exchange, ion-exchange selectivity and structural thermal stability), they can be used for example in the production of mineral fertilizers. Zeolites can also be used as a medium of the active substances i.e.

Теоретичний аналіз та практичні можливості використання органічних відходів агропромислового комплексу як один з шляхів до економії енергоресурсів в Україні

The main suppliers of minerals to crops today are chemical fertilizers. A good example of the implementation of efficient and environmentally friendly agro-industrial production are farms with closed loop motion biomass and energy – the so-called bioconversion complex. Their main components – crops, livestock and energy are closely interrelated and can be balanced. Today, great importance is also the production and use of microbial preparations for agriculture. The basis of their nitrogen-fixing is, phosphorus and methane bacteria.

Amphiphilic aminofuncional diesterethers as dispersed system stabilizers

Over the last decades the surfactants have been objects of intensive fundamental and applied studies all over the world. The efficient surface active and emulsifiable properties of these compounds are widely used to control processes of the watering, suspension stabilization, gelling and foaming. These properties provide their practical application in the pharmaceutical, food, wood-pulp, petroleum industry, agriculture and environment purification.