business services

Problems and Prospective Ways to Increase the Volume of Export of Scientific Services by Ukraine in the Conditions of European Integration

Abstract — the interpretation of the concept of “knowledge-intensive services” by domestic and foreign specialists is considered. The content of the category has been clarified. Data on exports of knowledge-intensive services in Ukraine and the G7 countries in recent years have been studied. The analysis and comparison of structural shares of knowledge-intensive services in the total export of the country is carried out. Data on the number of employees in the field of knowledge-intensive services were studied.

Possibilities and forms of business services internationalisation

Due to technological progress, business services have a significant share in exports and imports of services. About 30% of business service providers provide them off-site location, which means that direct contact with the recipient service provider for these services is not necessary. Availability and better services for business means that many companies are choosing to externalizing large part of the services entrusted them shared service centers.

Innovative business services in creating competitiveness of small and medium-sized enterprises in Poland

An important symptom of the changes taking place in the contemporary sector of services is the growth in importance of business services. Their development is connected with an ever complex course of economic processes and the increasing competition. Under the conditions of the quickly changing market, intense technical progress, ongoing labour division and being its effect of specialisation, the majority of economic entities, particularly in the SME sector, is not self-sufficient and must use specialist services.