local authorities

Participation of Local Self-Government and the Public in Ensuring the Functioning of the National Counter-Terrorism System

Abstract. The article analyses the legal acts regulating the sphere of protection of infrastructure facilities, participation of local self-government bodies and the public in ensuring the functioning of the national counter-terrorism system, in particular, the draft resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine ‘On Approval of the Rules of Anti-Terrorist Security’.

Provision of local administrative services in Ukraine: problems and perspectives

The concepts of modern public policy of Ukraine in the sphere of provision of administrative services are examined. The main disadvantages in provision of local administrative services are identified. The ways of creation of favorable conditions for qualitative resolution of citizens’ problems are offered.

Crowdsourcing as management tool: examples of solving local problems

The economic crisis in the country, the limited capacity to attract foreign capital actualize the need to find internal resources for investing development at all levels: from the state to a settlement and an individual enterprise. One way to find solutions to these problems using relatively free assistance is crowdsourcing. The article examines the main factors that influence the success of crowdsourcing projects locally. Identification of these factors is based on the analysis of successful examples of crowdsourcing projects for solving problems of local development in Ukraine.