
Порівняння алгебричних методів подань алгоритмів

Порівняннями за системами операцій та їхніми властивостями та побудованими моделями абстрактної комп’ютерної системи дано оцінку таких відомих алгебричних методів опису алгоритмів, якими є модифікована система алгоритмічних алгебр, модифікована алгебра алгоритмів та алгебра алгоритмів.

The Extended Algebra of Algorithms With Multiconditional Elimination

The existing, intuitive computation models, that is the virtual machines of Turing, Post, Kolmogorov, Schönhage, Aho-Ullman-Hopcroft as well as the algorithms of Markov and Krinitski, and the recursive functions, all lack precise, mathematical formulation. Consequently, an algebra of algorithms is defined using the axiomatic method. The algebra is based on the operations of sequencing, elimination, paralleling and reversing as well as cyclic sequencing, cyclic elimination and cyclic paralleling, all of them performed on the so-called uniterms.

The model of radioelectronic system reliability control effectiveness

The article is concerned with the analytical evaluation data of the effectiveness of the electrodynamic system reliability control. The basis of the consideration is a study of information efficiency of interaction between a radioelectronic system and that of electronic control. The analytical expressions obtained allow the optimal ratio between the reliable and most effective operating mode of control systems to be chosen. The problem of optimal control of reliability of functioning the radioelectronic control system is stated.

Analysis integration strategy and tactics business development

Reveals the importance of feasibility study in the process of objective criteria for stable
operation of the business in the context of integration of tactics and strategy of its
development, formulation parameters of efficiency. The urgency and the direction of analysis
and integration of strategies and tactics of business method and its implementation.
There area number of factors that cause imbalances in the strategy and tactics of
market reform at the national macro level that is not conducive to achieving the desired