

The article deals with Professor Andriy Rudnytsky's activity in the areas of architectural science, his creativite work and education. The characteristic features of his personality are studied in the context of socio-cultural background. On the background of historical circumstances his influence on forming the Lviv s architectural environment as well as on preserving its historical development, on developing the architectural school in Lviv, and eventually on the modern European status of Lviv is analized.

The Versatility of Ivan Levynsky’s Cultural Heritage

Attention is paid to the issues of the historical and cultural heritage of prominent figures of the Ukrainian past, its influence on cultural and socio-economic changes, transformational and processes of modernization in Ukraine, and to the formation of a distinctive national socio-cultural space in the modern conditions of Ukrainian state-building, growth of national consciousness and the manifestation of Ukrainian identity.

Archeology of castles in western Ukraine: history and prospects

The article analyzes the process of archaeological research locks and locks’site Carpathians and Volyn. It was shown the growth of public interest in the preservation and restoration of castles of Western Ukraine. The modern typology attractions. Defined stages of the castle archaeology Ukraine.

20 years of cooperation in architectural education between Vienna and Lviv

This article describes the main aims and presents the initial vision of cooperation between the major architectural schools of Vienna (Austria) and Lviv (Ukraine). These reflections are supplemented with a discussion of results obtained in the context of common activities during the 20 last years of cooperation.

The “Emerald mantle” of Lviv: garden and park design in the capital city of Galicia, 1770–1910s

The article is dedicated to the history of garden and park design in the city of Lviv from the 1770s through the 1910s. The projects of Hetman Ramparts, Ex-Jesuit Garden, Stryiskyi Park and other noted developments are under discussion. Special accent is put on the creative work of Arnold Röhring.

The parterre on the svobody avenue – “Visiting card” of modern Lviv

Lviv at the turn of 19-20 centuries underwent active urban development, becoming a significant European cultural center. This period was marked by the construction of a number of interesting large-scale, highly artistic architectural and urban ensembles which until now play an important role in building self-identification of the city and its inhabitants. A special place in Lviv is occupied by Prospekt Svobody (Svobody Avenue, Liberty Avenue) ,which unfortunately is not have the status of protected sight. 

We came to you with flowers. Blooming walls. In memory of Kost Prysiazhnyj

The article is devoted to historical aspects of buildings greening on the example of Lviv city. Based on iconographic and field research, jardinieres (for placing pots of flowers), fences and trellis for climbing plants have been classified. The directions for usage of greening for buildings humanization and increasing attractiveness of the historical city have been given. 

Landscape and spatial concepts of lviv city development in the late xix – early xx centuries: outlooks and realities of urban space harmonization

In the late XIX – early XX centuries while integrating gardens and green spaces into residential area spaces the city of Lviv managed to form a complex system of outdoor intra-block and inter-block gardens as well as villa and detached housing areas.In 1870-1890 the urban planning solution of south-western districts of Lviv, in particular, Kastelivka in Novyi Svit area, was launched with the construction of villas and detached houses which appeared to be the first ever attempt in Lviv to arrange a large complex residential area.

Landscape architecture objects in city morphology formation

The article describes the urban development of  Lviv in the historical context, the place and the role of garden art objects and landscape architecture in the development of which the famous City Gardener and the Inspector of  Urban Spaces Arnold Rӧhring was involved at the turn of the XIX - XXth centuries, namely Kilinskyj park(now Stryjskyj park), Hetmanski Valy , Zalizna Voda park etc.