
Граматика мови опису завдань на генерування баз даних

Засобами алгебри секвенційних алгоритмів описано розроблені синтаксис і семантику мови опису завдань на створення бази даних.

By means of sequential algebra algorithms described are designed syntax and semantice describing tasks on a database.

Activity of innovative processes in the vocabulary of modern media

In this the article terminological lexics is reviewed. This lexics has become an integral part of the language of contemporary massmedia. The lexical and semantic processes which take a place in the public relations at the beginning of the 21th century are discussed. Its thematic groups terminological lexics have been identified and features of usage in author texts are illustrated.

Antonymous relations in Ukrainian musical terminology

Antonymy is a wide-spread phenomenon in Ukrainian musical terminology. Antonyms play a positive part in term system organization. Antonymous relations allow emphasizing a deep-laid essence of the concepts to be opposed, help determine the place of every single term in musical terminology and contribute to the entire perception of scientific information.

The phenomenon of synonymy in Ukrainian homeopathic terminology

The article continues the cycle of the author’s publications devoted to the studying of the Ukrainian homeopathic terminology. The peculiarities of functioning of the term-synonyms and the structural and semantic features of equivalent terminological units of the researched area are analyzed in this work.