temperature field

Optimization of technology of sealing of the output capillary pillar of the ionization chamber

Goal. Investigation of the conditions of formation of operational tightness of the end of the output capillary - the rod of the ionization chamber with simultaneous provision of the temperature regime in the process of formation of the welded joint.

Calculation of strength of heated curvilinear bar structural elements of tubular cross-sections

Practical importance. The analytical and numerical results obtained can be used in the study of the stress state and, respectively, to evaluate the strength and stiffness of curvilinear tubular structural elements, in particular, the pipeline bends and pipes of economizers.


Se­pa­ra­te mat­he­ma­ti­cal mo­dels for de­ter­mi­ning the tem­pe­ra­tu­re distri­bu­ti­on in the ele­ments of tur­bo­ge­ne­ra­tors ha­ve be­en de­ve­lo­ped, which are descri­bed ge­omet­ri­cally by an isot­ro­pic half-spa­ce and a he­at-sen­si­ti­ve spa­ce with lo­cally con­centra­ted so­ur­ces of he­ating. For this pur­po­se, using the the­ory of ge­ne­ra­li­zed functi­ons in a con­ve­ni­ent form, we wri­te the ini­ti­al dif­fe­ren­ti­al eq­ua­ti­ons of ther­mal con­duc­ti­vity with bo­un­dary con­di­ti­ons.


The  structural  and  functional  diagrams  of  the  thermoanemometric  type  sensor  for measuring  the mono-  and biphasic  (liquid  +  gas) medium  by  the  pulsating  nature  of  the  flow  are  presented.  The  temperature  distribution  in  the  sensor environment is considered and the sensing elements are not in contact with the inner surface of the sensor body.

The influence of local transformations on the temperature field of the tourbogenerator’s rotor

The method of determining the integral characteristics of the temperature field of a turbine generator rotor in the case of local overheating is proposed in relation to the study of its deflections and the level of vibration; Influence of thermophysical and geometrical parameters of rotor ТГВ-500-4 on its temperature field is investigated.

Analysis of thermal-elastic geomechanical processes on the base of complex deformational monitoring data

The thesis applies for the original geodynamical investigations of the Transcarpathians territory. New laser-digital techniques of tension and weather-temperature observations on the base of author’s implementations were used. Such techniques  allow to observe and study sub-low geological processes and movements before, during and after earthquakes, create a of tension and weather-temperature data base, make complex analyses and processing of geophysical information.

Induction shrink fits for connecting disks and shafts

A complete model of the induction shrink fit between a disk and shaft is presented. The model consists of a proposal of appropriate interference, checking the von Mises stress in the disk and shaft, mapping of the process of induction heating and determining the release revolutions. The methodology is illustrated by a typical example.

Consideration of the nonlinear behavior of environmental material and a three-dimensional internal heat sources in mathematical modeling of heat conduction

A numerical-analytical method of determining the heat field in a finite solid with taking into account the dependence of the coefficients of heat conductivity and of heat release on the temperature and the intensity of internal heat sources is suggested. The effectiveness of the combination of indirect methods of boundary and near-boundary elements with Kirchhoff transformation for partial linearization of nonlinear 3D problems of heat conduction, by which the process is modelled, is substantiated.