Aims and Scope

The English-language scientific periodical "Ukrainian Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science" was established for publishing the results of scientific investigations and applied research in the fields of mechanical engineering and materials science.

The main goal of this journal is the exchange of scientific ideas and practical achievements of local scientists, engineers, designers, and their foreign colleagues.

Taking into account the scientific and practical proximity and, at the same time, a wide range of covered scientific and applied problems in the fields of mechanical engineering and materials science, the following thematic headings are presented in this journal:

  1. Dynamics and Strength of Machines;
  2. Modeling, Synthesis, Optimization, and Designing of Structures of Mechanical Engineering;
  3. Materials Science and Surface Engineering;
  4. Diagnostics of Materials and Structures;
  5. Vibrations in Engineering and Technologies;
  6. Friction and Wear in Machines;
  7. Technologies of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Working including the following subheadings:
    • Machining of Materials, Machines and Tools;
    • Processes and Machines for Plastic Working;
    • Welding and Related Processes and Technologies;
    • Processes of Physical and Technical Working;
  8. Sectoral Mechanical Engineering including the following subheadings:
    • Electronic Mechanical Engineering;
    • Machinery for Food Processing Industries;
    • Machinery for Light Industry and Consumer Services;
    • Packaging Machinery and Technologies;
    • Machinery for Chemical Industries and Building Materials Enterprises;
    • Machines and Equipment for Lifting, Transport, Melioration, and Building;
    • Motor (Automotive) Industry;
    • Locomotives, wagons and special railway rolling stock;
    • Equipment for railway rolling stock.

The wide scientific and applied orientation of the journal allows the use of this periodical as an information field for debatable discussion of new methods, theories, investigations, research, and developments at the intersection of these scientific and educational fields.