Strengthening and reconstructionof drilling core pipe for engineeringand geological exploration

: 51-58
Received: March 10, 2022
Revised: April 22, 2022
Accepted: March 30, 2022
Lviv Polytechnic National University
Lviv Polytechnic National University
3 Department of Oil and Gas Engineering and Welding, Lviv Polytechnic National University, Ukraine

Currently, there is a tendency to increase the depth of gaseous and liquid fossils extraction. Therefore, prospecting and developing new deposits is promising. There is also a need to create  new  freshwater  sources  and  implement  relevant  geological  work  based  on  this  need.  It  is essential to have information about the characteristics of the explored slabs and the geology of the fields in general. Implementation of engineering and geological core drilling exploration is the most acceptable and provides the necessary data. Here, the peculiarities of the technological schemes of the process implementation make it possible to obtain separate sections of structures at a depth of the drilling  equipment.  It  is  essential  to  use  traditional  equipment,  recommended  for  decades  and provides the necessary results [1 - 3]. In the drilling process, you can achieve different diameters and depths of wells execution, obtain fossil samples etc. Engineering and geological exploration drilling is now taking on increased use in various industries [3]. Therefore, the problem of providing high-quality drilling tools, the stability of their operating characteristics, and the possibility of usage in different conditions is an urgent need today. Modern  drilling  problems  determine  the  usage  of  components  of  the  core  set  with  the appropriate  physical  and  mechanical  characteristics.  Especially  it  relates  to  elements  close  to  the drilling tool and the place of fossil; destruction - drill pipe. It is installed immediately after the crown core drill and receives almost the same loads and effects during working [1 - 3]. Conditions for the implementation of the process of core drilling are characterized primarily by  the  effect  on  the  elements  of  the  significant  axial  and  twisted  core  set  forces.  There  is  the influence of the corrosive and active environment of the fossil in the washing and lubricating liquids well, etc. High temperatures are also observed at the drilling sites [3], which negatively affect the working tool and speed up its operation. As a result, there is an intensive shock, and abrasive core pipe wear and operation indicators change  their  constructive  size.  As  a  result,  it  is  necessary  to  replace  the  operated  drill  string periodically. Considering modern technical and economic factors, it may be decided to repair a pipe to its original size in many cases. There are tasks for providing the appropriate characteristics of the core pipe surface. It is possible to model such properties of the new surface that functionally the best meet the conditions of the drilling process of a given geological formation. The  peculiarities  of  applying  the  therapeutic  layer  on  the  surface  of  the  core  pipe  are investigated in work. The experience shows that using electric arc surfacing under the flux layer is expedient.  This  provides  the  necessary  adhesion  of  the  applied  layer  and  promotes  obtaining resistance to the operation surface of the core pipe. At the same time, there is high-quality protection and the possibility of additional alloying through the flux-slaggy welding bath. Using electrode powder type wires creates conditions for flexibility to achieve the established characteristics  of  functional  layers  [4  -  6].  The  filling  flux,  located  in  the  cross-section  of  the electrode wire, can be easily changed by chemical composition. At the same time, it is possible to make relatively small parties of a wire with the set characteristics. The technological scheme justification about the core pipe surfacing is performed. It provides the previous displacement of the electrode butt size from the zenith of the core pipe to prevent the welding bath from spreading. The structural pipe size , the requirements for residual deformations, and the conditions of shapping the welded layer show the practicality of welding on a helix. 

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