Optimization Algorithms for Wireless Sensor Networks to Solve Maximization Problems

: pp. 181 - 186
Gori State University

The paper describes a constant time clustering algorithm that can be applied on wireless sensor networks. The scheme for rate control, scheduling, routing, and power control protocol for wireless sensor networks based on compressive sensing has been shown. Using network utility maximization formulations, cross-optimization solutions using Lagrangian multipliers in network access control and physical layers have been presented. The optimization solutions have been developed by solving the optimization model of network utility maximization. The paper presents a cross-sectional design problem that jointly maximizes network utility and lifetime. The solution to the problem leads to the optimal source rate as well as the optimal routes between each source and sink in the network. The presence of a common sink node in the network has been formulated to develop a distributed algorithm that minimizes the energy overhead in its implementation.

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