Програма конференції

15.09.2019  Sunday


1000 - 1200 Arrival of Participants to Lviv Polytechnic
1200 Transfer to Slavske

Slavske (Polytechnic Campus)

 1400 - 1500  Lunch
 1500 - 1800 Registration
 1900 Welcome Party

16.09.2019  Monday

0900 - 1000  Breakfast
1000 - 1030  Opening Ceremony

Welcome Word from:

-Prof. Yu. Bobalo, Rector of Lviv Polytechnic National University

-Prof. Kazimierz Mikolajuk, Warsaw University of Technology

-Prof. Ivo Dolezel, University of West Bohemia

- Prof. Mykhaylo Andriychuk, Representative of IEEE Section Ukraine

1030 - 1145  Plenary Session
1145 - 1200  Coffee Break
1200 - 1300 Oral Session 1 (OS1)
1300 - 1400  Lunch
1400- 1600  Oral Session 2 (OS2)
1600- 1630 Coffee Break
1630- 1830 Poster Session 1 (PS1)
1900 Dinner

17.09.2019  Tuesday

0900 - 1000 Breakfast   
1000 - 1120 Oral Session 3 (OS3)
1120 - 1140 Coffee Break
1140 - 1300 Oral Session 4 (OS4)
1300 - 1400 Lunch
1400 - 1600 Oral Session 5 (OS5)
1600 - 1630 Coffee Break
1630 - 1830  Poster Session 2 (PS2)
1900  Dinner

18.09.2019  Wednesday

0900 - 1000  Breakfast
1000 Transfer to Lviv


1100 - 1130  Closing Ceremony (Lviv Polytechnic)
1130 - 1230 Buffet Lunch
1300 - 1600  Excursion


Full Conference Program

cpee-2019programfulln.pdf447.97 KB