

У статті зроблено спробу визначити особливості висвітлення палестино-ізраїльського конфлікту у світових ЗМІ. Матеріалом дослідження стали публікації із сайтів трьох ЗМІ – «The Washington Post», «The Guardian» та «Al Jazeera».

GDP in Value as a Measure for Evaluating Annual Data Flow Increase on IoT

The article deals with the problem of assessing the primary data load on the IOT, generated by the year. GDP in the money presentation has been used to estimate the amount of information that enters the network directly from things. Having advanced the postulate that the amount of data emanating from a thing is proportional to the product of its mass (thing) by its specific orderliness, it is concluded that it is possible to use a volume of the generated order principle. Dual model allowing to estimate objective thing’s prices, has been proposed

Exergy effective regimes of exploitation of air split-conditioners of firm “LG”

The elaborating method of the exergetic analysis of air split-conditioners one-step Freon refrigeration machines was used in this article. The dependence of exergetic output-input ratio for refrigeration machine of air split-conditioner of firm “LG” with cooling capacity 3666 W for refrigerators agent R22 from air flow rates on the evaporator by different external temperature regimes was defined.