фінансова стійкість

Оцінювання фінансової стійкості банківської системи україни в умовах зовнішніх збурень

Обчислено інтегральний показник фінансової стійкості банківської системи України за період 2020-2023 рр. з використанням методу таксономічного аналізу та пруденційних нормативів для банківської системи. Охарактеризовано чинники впливу на фінансову стійкість банківської системи в досліджуваному періоді. Виокремлено основні методи і важелі, які НБУ використав для забезпечення фінансової стійкості під час пандемії COVID-19 та від початку повномасштабної війни, зокрема: зміна облікової ставки; введення низки обмежень та лімітів з подальшим їх послабленням.

Analysis of financial stability of enterprises and directions of its providing

The article is sanctified to research of economic essence and methodical bases of estimation of financial stability, theoretical aspects of influence of factors on providing of financial stability o fenterprise structures. In the article existent methodologies of analysis of financial stability of enterprise are considered. Application of indexes of financial stability as basic indicator of financial prosperity of enterprise is reasonabled. Basic tasks to the analysis of financial stability of enterprise and system of factor that influence on the financial state are outlined.

Human resources component of economic stability of domestic enterprises

In the article the concept of the “economic stability” is analyzed, the different areas of its interpretation are described. Main components providing enterprises’ economic stability are highlighted, namely financial, human resources, marketing, informational etc. The necessity of integrated approach to economic sustainability management of domestic enterprises is stressed. Internal factors affecting economic stability and sustainable development nowadays and in the future are covered.

Remarks Concerning Methodology Improvementfor Integral Assessmentofa Company’s Investment Attractiveness

The article deals with the issues of the estimation company’s investment attractiveness. The features of the integral index formation of investment attractiveness are studied. Critical assessment of the meaningful content of a group of indicators that form an integral indicator of investment attractiveness has been made. An improved set of indicators was proposed by the authors in order to modernize the existing mechanism of integrated assessment, approved by the Agency for the Prevention of Bankruptcy of Enterprises and Organizations.

Sustainability of the enterprise: dialectics statics and dynamics

The paper considers one of the relatively new areas of financial analysis – the study of
financial stability and sustainability of growth of the company to assess and modeling positive
dynamics of development. It was established that the steady growth of the company – long-
term growth, which is characterized by the same ratio between the main indicators, and steady
growth rate – the rate of activities expansion while preserving the existing operational and
financial strategies.

Essence of modern financial and economic stability of business economics

We consider the basic criteria characteristics concept of financial and economic stability
of post-industrial economic type. Analyzed factors and factors of influence on the financial and
economic stability of modern businesses, taking them into account existing systems and models
in the management of sustainable development of enterprises.
Generalized and systematized problematic aspects in the subject field of knowledge, as
reflected in research on this topic. Particular emphasis on the lack of conformity with the real