legal construction

Конструктивне тлумачення норм права у парадигмі правового конструктивізму

Розкрито питання про взаємозвязок конструктивістської парадигми з конструктивним тлумаченням норм права. Зясовано, що розуміється під конструктивним способом тлумачення норм права.

Marriage as a legal construction: realities and prospects

The article analyzes the constituent elements of the legal constructure of marriage, types of marriage stand design in accordance with these elements: on the basis of the age of marriage, the state registration of marriage, the consequences of marriage, cohabitation. Determined prospects for further improvement of the legislation in the sphere of regulation of marital relations. The article presents the results of a sociological survey conducted in order to analyze short stories and opportunities for improvement of the marriage legislation.

Features of legal constructions of private law

The article presents the concepts and features of private law. Revealed features of legal
constructions in private law that depending on the subject and method of legal regulation of
individual industries. The features use of legal constructions in the areas of private law rights
and ways of securing them in the legislation. Analyzes the legal constructions of relationships,
contract in key sectors of private law: civil, family and labor law