мобільний зв'язок


Ви­ді­ле­но ос­нов­ні мо­ди­фі­ка­ції та стан­дар­ти тех­но­ло­гії OFDM, що за­без­пе­чу­ють ви­со­ку якість зв'яз­ку при ба­га­топ­ро­ме­не­во­му по­ши­рен­ні пе­ре­да­но­го сиг­на­лу. Про­ана­лі­зо­ва­но в струк­ту­рі пе­ре­да­ва­ча ко­му­ні­ка­ційної сис­те­ми на під­ста­ві OFDM тех­но­ло­гії ви­ко­нан­ня швид­ких пе­рет­во­рень кла­су Фур'є.

Increasing the Level of Customers Service at Service Centres as a Factor of Mobile Operators Competitive Position Strengthening

It has been established that despite the global trends, in Ukraine, the number of subscribers to services of mobile operators reduced. In order to strengthen the competitive position of mobile operators it is proposed to increase the level of the services provided in customer service centers, based on the evaluation of their current level. The research  proved that special attention should be given firstly to the reduction of the waiting time of customers, to the increase of the speed of service provision as well as professionalism of the employees,  providing consultation services.

Optimization of topology transmission network mobile communication with taking into account conflicting quality parameters

To meet the put forward contradictory technical and economic demands to the structure of transmission networks it is necessary to use multi-criteria optimization methods when planning them. During our planning of a transmission network we design such a topology that has to provide high quality and sufficient reserve capacity at least costs. In practice it means that the designer must balance three transmission network quality factors, which characterize the cost, the quality and the capacity.