natural and legal space

Першість каноністики у природно-правовому полі та просторі

У статті досліджується першість каноністики у природно-правовому полі. Основну увагу зосереджено на проблемі пошуку духовності, які досліджені у статті в антропологічних, етичних й екзистенцйних аспектах.

Natural and legal the harmony of human existence in spase

The article deals with the philosophical and legal approach to understanding of the natural law of harmony of human existence in space in the context of the principle of humanity priority over the principle of legality, that brings progressive ideas of natural law values life, honor and dignity as the basis of ontological space. A great attention is paid to behavioral and activity in human nature naturally and legal space, which is the result of knowledge and understanding of their own interests, the interests of social groups and human communities in general.

Public society in the natural and legal space

The article deals with the natural and legal approach to the understanding of the
essential features of the public society in the natural and legal space as the embodiment of the
ideal of human existence on the basis of the implementation of its natural and legal freedom
and mutual responsibility of the state and the citizen, that is the guarantee of maintaining a
stable positive and legal field, and this will provide the complete harmony of the natural and
legal space