
Suspension oligomerization of the С9 fraction of diesel fuel pyrolysis by–products using n–(tert–butylperoxymethyl)–4–chloroaniline

The suspension oligomerization of the unsaturated hydrocarbons of the C9 fraction of liquid by-products of diesel fuel pyrolysis initiated by N-(tert-Butylperoxymethyl)-4- chloroaniline was investigated. The influence of reaction conditions (reaction temperature and time, mixing intensity,  dispersed phase content, initiator concentration) on the yield and physico-chemical characteristics of hydrocarbon resins was determined. The optimal reaction conditions were selected.

С9 fraction oligomerization with the use 2-(tert-butylperoxymethylamino)acetic acid

The oligomerization in solution and suspension oligomerization of the fraction C9 of liquid by-products of pyrolysis of diesel fuel is initiated by 2- (third-butylperoxymethylamineo) acetate acid have been studied. The nature of the effect of oligomerization, the concentration of the initiator, the temperature and duration of the reaction to the output and the physicochemical characteristics of the obtained oligomers were clarified. The optimal technological parameters of the process of oligomerization of the fraction C9 were selected.


При піролізі вуглеводневої сировини на етиленових установках утворюються значні кількості рідких побічних продуктів. На основі фракції С9 рідких побічних продуктів піролізу можливим є синтез вуглеводневих смол, що використовуються як плівкоутворювачі у антикорозійних лако-фарбових покриттях. Використання низькотемпературної емульсійної олігомеризації дозволяє спростити виділення цільового продукту та проводити синтез при невисоких тривалостях і температурах.

Synthesis of peroxy oligomers on the basis of epoxy compounds in presence of tert-butylperoxymethanol

We have studied the possibility of peroxy oligomers synthesis by chemical modification of epoxy resins with tert-butylperoxymethanol or diepoxy compounds telomerization with glycols in the presence of trifluorine boron using tert-butylperoxymethanol as telogen. The reaction conditions have been determined and synthesis procedures have been developed. The structures of synthesized products were proved by chemical, IR- and PMR-spectroscopic investigations.

New network polymers based on furfurylglycidyl ether

Among the activities done under the present work are the following: - study of the kinetic regularities of the polymerization of new heterocyclic monomers and oligomers obtained from interaction between furfurylglycidyl ether and aliphatic monocarboxylic acids (saturated and unsaturated); -determination of the polymerization mechanism in the absence of complex onium catalysts; -determination of the structure and composition of monomeric and polymeric compounds by using chemical and physicochemical techniques and 1Н-NМR spectral analysis.

Preparation and properties of (epoxy resin)/(nylon 6,6 oligomer) blends

A series of polymer alloys based on different compositions of Nylon 6,6 oligomers (NYL66Oґs) and epoxy resin have been prepared. The oligomer was extracted from the waste residues of the industrial production of nylon 6,6 and was dissolved in the epoxy resin. The mixture was crosslinked at 333 K using dodecenylsuccinic anhydre (DDSA) as a curing agent. The tensile strength and flexural modulus were found to increase with the addition of NYLO66O up to a maximum value of 2 wt % oligomer content.

Synthesis of peroxy oligomers using 1,2-epoxy-3-tert-butyl peroxypropane

The possibility of peroxy oligomer synthesis has been studied by three methods: telomerization of diepoxy derivatives of ethylene glycol or Bisphenol A using 1,2-epoxy-3-tert-butyl peroxypropane as telogen, modification of phenol-formaldehyde resins by 1,2-epoxy-3-tert-butyl peroxypropane and polycondensation of phenol containing –O–O– bonds with formaldehyde. The peroxy oligomers obtaining conditions have been established and 7 new oligomers with peroxy groups have been synthesized. The structures of synthesized oligomers have been verified by chemical and spectral methods.

Синтез і властивості олігомерів з кінцевими гідроксильними групами

Розглянуті методи одержання олігомерів (полімерів) з кінцевими гідроксильними групами. Особлива увага приділена синтезу гідроксилвмісних олігомерів на основі епоксидних смол , які у своїх молекулах крім вільних первинної та вторинної гідроксильних груп, містять іншу функційну групу, зокрема, епоксидну, пероксиду, карбоксильну чи акрилатну.