опрацювання даних

Cyber-physical systems multilayer platform and research framework

The issues of cyber-physical systems creation and approaches to their solving are formed in the article. The base principles of the multilayer platform for Cyber-Physical Systems are formed in accordance with achieve¬ments and modern conceptions of computer, information and telecommunication technologies application. The structure of the multilayer platform for Cyber-Physical Systems are offered, its applications and functions are described.

Системні та інформаційні динамічні компоненти і логіко-когнітивні моделі темпоральної дійсності при прийнятті оперативних рішень

It is analyzed and shown that the cognitive structure of the individual incorporates immanent temporal layer and owing to it a person is capable of constructive orientation in the temporal space when making active decisions in dangerous conditions.

Internet portal of geophysical monitoring

The prototype of developed geophysical Internet portal as subsystem of software of geodynamic monitoring data acquisition and processing is presented. The prototype is based on database management system MySQL and it can be placed both on their own servers of an awarding authority (in this case – the Carpathian Branch of Subbotin name Institute of Geophysics of NAS of Ukraine) and on public Internet servers. Interaction of database and client modules within the bounds of this software is described.